Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I don’t mind when people forget my birthday.

Its not such a big deal, its just a birthday and your adding one more year to the current figure you have so i guess if someone said happy new year i can take it that he/she also meant happy birthday. I think this would help the girls a lot since it would be more like saying happy birthday on your second 18th or 19th or 20th birthday, because this time the person will not ask how old are you.

To everyone that did not give up on me, I finally fell in love and she’s feeling my love. She still doesn’t believe that am in love with her because she read the post but some where in her girlish heart; I know that she believes me.

If you want to say hi to someone you haven’t said hi to in ages or want to visit someone you promised you would, or had a fight with some one a while back and it was your fault and you still haven’t said your are sorry or even if it wasn’t your fault but you do miss the person and a beep from you could break the silence but you are still thinking about it. Or you were meant to take her/him out or buy her/him a gift or haven’t paid the person that you owe for over a month now, or you were meant to post it last week but its still in your cabinet or saved, or you haven’t greeted your mum, dad, sister, brother or haven’t seen them,

You better do it now, because life is too short, you never know what tomorrow may bring.


Heaven! said...

here's to you and her! *toast*

Rae said...

then I better say hapi birthday, now to one person who never forgets mine! and to the really lucky gal, congs! she must be specially to make u admit u r in love! and as usaul am dying to meet her...

crys said...

oh my gosh have i missed this much? i mean, when did u change the face of your blog? and since when do u make entries more often than i do? the last entry i read was lone-...

otherwise, i honestly did not forget your birthday. i was just too lazy to sms u coz, and i couldnt call coz i had to use the airtime to call other people, like lecturers who wont mark my proposal. and, i mean, it's no big deal ryt? i didnt make noise when u forgot mine!

... and about the girl,the supposedly 'lucky' girl;- ha! now u can trust i'll keep in touch.

~ScotchBiscuits~ said...

Do you want my personally made fall in love mood music cd mailed to you? It's all the sweetest lovey dovey songs in the world that I put together just in case I got completely swept off my feet...I think thats why I made it. you interested?

Iwaya said...

I was here. Briefly interrupting the girl parade :0)

muzukulu wa Nkali said...

very interested.